How Much Does Sechin Make? Putin’s Friends’ Mistresses—On Our Dime

Our investigative team has uncovered dozens of women, working as escorts, who are officially employed by Rosneft—receiving salaries, perks, and extravagant gifts:

And that’s not all—Sechin’s salary has skyrocketed. He now makes $396 per minute. In 2024 alone, his total payout was $47,178,524—four and a half billion rubles!
Rosneft is a state-owned company drowning in debt—supposedly meant to serve ordinary Russians. Instead, it funds the luxurious lifestyle of Putin’s longtime crony from Leningrad, Igor Sechin—and his escorts.
What sets FBK apart from other investigative teams is that we don’t just expose corruption—we demand action. We file official complaints and take legal action. The fraudulent employment of dozens of women at Rosneft isn’t just unethical—it’s a crime. It involves fraud, abuse of office, and embezzlement.
That’s exactly what we’re reporting to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Committee. Let’s see how they try to explain this one.