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A news channel on Telegram about the real Russia, the war, and the military draft. Sirena reports on events in Russia and around the world without fake news or alarmism, publishes exclusive information, and tells the truth about repression and laws that contradict common sense.

The project was created from scratch by a group of independent journalists united by their determination to continue their work despite all attempts by the Russian authorities to stifle independent journalism.


What's our aim?

Today, 85% of Internet users in Russia use Telegram, with one in three of them using it to keep up with the news. Telegram’s audience is growing faster than any other platform. We use Telegram to reach the broadest possible audience, including those who are starting to doubt the official line.

> 132 000 people

are subscribed to Sirena

> 55 000 000 views

on our posts each month

How to get involved?

Start reading Sirena, for example our investigation into the 'combat squads' of United Russia.

Want to support the project? Make a donation.