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Popular Politics

Popular Politics is a media outlet covering current events in Russia and around the world. We report the truth in straightforward, accessible language. Our hosts and guest experts discuss all the major news — from military developments to propaganda fakes and rising prices. The channel features new videos and hosts livestreams on a daily basis.

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What's our aim?

Our primary goal is to fight Kremlin propaganda and inform Russian viewers about what’s really happening in the world. We invite compelling guests and offer them a platform to share diverse views. The channel features news, exclusives, military and political analysis, reports, and even satire.

The channel has

2 500 000


12 000 000

viewers watch Popular Politics each month.

How to get involved?

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, share the videos on social media, and send them to your friends.

Become a sponsor or patron of the channel—it helps us grow!