The FBK investigative team is one of the best in the world.
Since 2013, we've been exposing corruption and crimes committed by Putin's regime. We’ve now published over 140 investigations on Alexei Navalny's YouTube channel.
YouTube ChannelWe don't just present legal documents and dry facts—we turn them into engaging stories and even full-length films. We talk about corruption in simple terms, which is why millions of people across Russia watch our videos.
Fighting corruption is our core mission. I still see corruption as one of Russia's biggest issues, eroding the country, denying people opportunities, and impeding reform of any kind. It is the foundation of the current regime.
Alexei Navalny
Every investigation we conduct is primarily a political statement. We have a clear goal: to remove Putin from power and eradicate the corruption that has undermined our country’s political and legal system and has resulted in war.
Even in the current landscape, this work is yielding results. Putin’s yacht has been seized. Dozens of individuals implicated in our investigations are under international sanctions, and their foreign properties are frozen. The political careers of some of these figures, such as Dmitry Medvedev, have been destroyed. And we have no plans to stop here.
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Do you have any information on corruption or regarding the murder of Alexei Navalny? Send it anonymously to our Black Box.
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